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Aew Galera !!!


Eu estou tentando aprender a usar o CE com o tutorial deles mais como ele esta em ingles e a etapa que estou ta muito complicada estou pedindo ajuda a voces ....


Nessa etapa voce tem dois botoes: "Change Value" e "Change Pointer"

e o texto esta assim:



Step 6: Pointers:

In the previous step I explained how to use the Code finder to handle changing locations. But that method alone

makes it difficult to find the address to set the values you want.

Thats why there are pointers:


At the bottom you'll find 2 buttons. One will change the value, and the other changes the value AND the location of

the value.

For this step you dont really need to know assembler, but it helps a lot if you do.


First find the address of the value. When you've found it use the function to find out what writes to that address.

Change the value again, and a item will show in the list. Double click that item. (or select and click on more info) and

a new window will open with detailed information on what happened when the instruction ran.

If the assembler instruction doesnt have anything between a '[' and ']' then use another item in the list.

If it does it will say what it think will be the value of the pointer you need.

Go back to the main cheat engine window (you can keep this extra info window open if you want, but if you close it,

remember what is between the [ and ] ) and do a 4 byte scan in hexadecimal for the value the extra info told you.

When done scanning it may return 1 or a few hundred addresses. Most of the time the address you need will be the

smallest one. Now click on manually add and select the pointer checkbox.


The window will change and allows you to type in the address of a pointer and a offset.

Fill in as address the address you just found.

If the assembler instruction has a calculation (e.g: [esi+12]) at the end then type the value in thats at the end. else

leave it 0. If it was a more complicated instruction look at the calculation.


example of a more complicated instruction:

[EAX*2+EDX+00000310] eax=4C and edx=00801234.

In this case EDX would be the value the pointer has, and EAX*2+00000310 the offset, so the offset you'd fill in

would be 2*4C+00000310=3A8. (this is all in hex, use cal.exe from windows in scientific mode to calculate)


Back to the tutorial, click OK and the address will be added, If all went right the address will show P->xxxxxxx, with

xxxxxxx being the address of the value you found. If thats not right, you've done something wrong.

Now, change the value using the pointer you added in 5000 and freeze it. Then click Change pointer, and if all went

right the next button will become visible.




And you could also use the pointer scanner to find the pointer to this address



e eu nao estou entendendo direito esse tutorial, aki enbaixo esta uma foto de onde parei:





Vlw ae pela aten´ao !!!

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