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Duvida Open-Kore, Config sumo slave



Assim minha suma só buffa o "mestre" até morrerem, após ambos morrerem para algum monstro, ela só o cura, e não faz mais nada além disso '-', ela só buffa ela mesmo, para ela buffa-lo tenho que enviar uma mensagem dele para ela pedindo a skill.


aqi está os comandos da party skill:


partySkill Heal {

lvl 10

maxCastTime 0

minCastTime 0


sp > 50












stopWhenHit 0

inLockOnly 0

notWhileSitting 1

notInTown 0

timeout 0

disabled 0

manualAI 0

target xxxxxxx

target_hp < 90%







target_timeout 0


target_dead 0


isSelfSkill 0



partySkill Blessing {

lvl 10

sp > 20

stopWhenHit 1

inLockOnly 1

notWhileSitting 1

notInTown 1

target xxxxxx

target_whenStatusInactive Blessing

target_timeout 240



partySkill Increase Agi {

lvl 10

sp > 20

stopWhenHit 1

inLockOnly 1

notWhileSitting 1

notInTown 1

target xxxxxx

target_whenStatusInactive Increase Agi

target_timeout 240



e eu também gostaria de saber como fazer para minha suma não atacar certo monstro, exemplo na ice_dun:




##### Plants #####

Black Mushroom 0 0 0

Blue Plant 0 0 0

Green Plant 0 0 0

Red Mushroom 0 0 0

Red Plant 0 0 0

Shining Plant 0 0 0

White Plant 0 0 0

Yellow Plant 0 0 0



##### Homunculus #####

6001 -1 0 0

6002 -1 0 0

6003 -1 0 0

6004 -1 0 0

6005 -1 0 0

6006 -1 0 0

6007 -1 0 0

6008 -1 0 0

6009 -1 0 0

6010 -1 0 0

6011 -1 0 0

6012 -1 0 0

6013 -1 0 0

6014 -1 0 0

6015 -1 0 0

6016 -1 0 0


##### Mercenary #####

6017 -1 0 0

6018 -1 0 0

6019 -1 0 0

6020 -1 0 0

6021 -1 0 0

6022 -1 0 0

6023 -1 0 0

6024 -1 0 0

6025 -1 0 0

6026 -1 0 0

6027 -1 0 0

6028 -1 0 0

6029 -1 0 0

6030 -1 0 0

6031 -1 0 0

6032 -1 0 0

6033 -1 0 0

6034 -1 0 0

6035 -1 0 0

6036 -1 0 0

6037 -1 0 0

6038 -1 0 0

6039 -1 0 0

6040 -1 0 0

6041 -1 0 0

6042 -1 0 0

6043 -1 0 0

6044 -1 0 0

6045 -1 0 0

6046 -1 0 0


##### MVPs and Dangerous Monsters #####

Amon Ra 0 1 0

Archangeling 0 1 0

Baphomet 0 1 0

Bacsojin 0 1 0

Dark Illusion 0 1 0

Dark Lord 0 1 0

Detale 0 1 0

Doppelganger 0 1 0

Dracula 0 1 0

Drake 0 1 0

Eddga 0 1 0

Dark Snake Lord 0 1 0

Garm 0 1 0

Egnigem Cenia 0 1 0

Golden Thief Bug 0 2 0

Incantation Samurai 0 1 0

Lady Tany 0 1 0

Lord of Death 0 1 0

Maya 0 1 0

Maya Purple 0 1 0

Mistress 0 1 0

Moonlight 0 1 0

Mutant Dragon 0 1 0

Orc Hero 0 1 0

Orc Lord 0 1 0

Osiris 0 1 0

Pharaoh 0 1 0

Phreeoni 0 1 0

RSX-0806 0 1 0

Stormy Knight 0 1 0

Tao Gunka 0 1 0

Thanatos 0 1 0

Turtle General 0 1 0

Vesper 0 1 0

Hydra 1 0 0

Marc 1 0 0

Marine Sphere 1 0 0

Merman 1 0 0

hen 1 0 0

Swordfish 1 0 0

Gazeti 1 0 0

Muscipular 1 0 0

Roween 1 0 0


porém ela continua atacando os gazetis muscipular e roween '-'. alguem ajuda nisso também? obrigado

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