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Eu to querendo joga o serve da wc, eu sei que tem q instala o sXe ja instalei mais quando vo joga aparece isso



2012/05/13 21:44:42 - [CLT] -

2012/05/13 21:44:42 - [CLT] - sXe Injected starting...

2012/05/13 21:44:42 - [CLT] - [C:\Arquivos de programas\sXe Injected]

2012/05/13 21:44:45 - [CLT] - Win XP (5.1.2600 Service Pack 3) [0]

2012/05/13 21:44:45 - [CLT] - version: 12.1 (Fix 3)

2012/05/13 21:44:45 - [CLT] - [ The end is near... ]

2012/05/13 21:44:46 - [CLT] - open [77C0F566]

2012/05/13 21:44:46 - [CLT] - Platform: x86 detected

2012/05/13 21:44:46 - [CLT] - Starting Device Driver

2012/05/13 21:44:46 - [CLT] - service [C:\Arquivos de programas\sXe Injected\ddsxei.sys]

2012/05/13 21:44:46 - [CLT] - Open manager OK

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - Create Service OK

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - Start Service OK

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - Service ready

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - Trying to open device[1]...

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - Service Handle OK

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - [35][7C90D1AE]

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - [32][7C90D17E]

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - [115][7C90DFAE]

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - [74][7C90D59E]

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - [AD][7C90D92E]

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - [7A][7C90D5FE]

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - [D5][7C90DBAE]

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - [89][7C90D6EE]

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - [FE][7C90DE3E]

2012/05/13 21:44:47 - [CLT] - [bA][7C90D9FE]

2012/05/13 21:44:49 - [CLT] - Waiting for game...

2012/05/13 21:45:01 - [CLT] - Proceso [explorer.exe](684) injecting on PID (3768) -> (ALLOW)[1]

2012/05/13 21:45:01 - [CLT] - Intercepting game... [3768][hl.exe]

2012/05/13 21:45:01 - [CLT] - open [77C0F566]

2012/05/13 21:45:01 - [CLT] - Injecting: [C:\Arquivos de programas\sXe Injected\sxe.dll]

2012/05/13 21:45:01 - [CLT] - Injected OK

2012/05/13 21:45:05 - [CLT] - GetLastError(6)(Identificador inválido.



2012/05/13 21:45:05 - [CLT] - getmod error

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] -

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] -------------------

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] -sXe-I dll starting

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] -version: 12.1 (Fix 2)

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] - **** Game folder [C:\Arquivos de programas\Valve\Counter-Strike 1.6]

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] - **** Active folder [C:\Arquivos de programas\Valve\Counter-Strike 1.6]

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] - **** Trying protocol 47 for game [cstrike]

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] - **** Graphic mode search...

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] - **** Graphic Mode: OpenGL

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] - **** x86 platform detected

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] - **** Driver Initialization

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] - **** Open success

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] - **** Link ready

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] - **** Image ready

2012/05/13 21:45:10 - [DLL] - **** Gather ready

2012/05/13 21:45:11 - [DLL] - **** searching...

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Half-Life protocol 47

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] -hooking...

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] -result...[0]

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Hooked

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Message [0]

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Message H [0]

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Message S [0]

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Message SD [0]

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Message SS [0]

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Message SSD [0]

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Message SSI [0]

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Message SA [0]

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Screening command[1]

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** Backup ready

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** GL Command Offline

2012/05/13 21:45:18 - [DLL] - **** ControlTime [13111488]

2012/05/13 21:45:19 - [DLL] - **** Finish [3768]

2012/05/13 21:45:19 - [DLL] - **** Second

2012/05/13 21:45:19 - [DLL] - **** Engine OK

2012/05/13 21:45:20 - [DLL] - **** Validations ready

2012/05/13 21:45:20 - [DLL] - **** Removed...

2012/05/13 21:45:20 - [DLL] - **** OGL success

2012/05/13 21:45:20 - [DLL] - **** Gateway installed

2012/05/13 21:45:20 - [DLL] - **** SET success

2012/05/13 21:45:20 - [DLL] - **** SET VP

2012/05/13 21:45:20 - [DLL] - **** FS

2012/05/13 21:45:20 - [DLL] - **** UPL

2012/05/13 21:45:22 - [CLT] - [C:\Arquivos de programas\Valve\Counter-Strike 1.6\valve\cl_dlls\GameUI.dll] -> Incorrect version [040254d5427ec627164fc094ba0e8978](BLOCKED)

2012/05/13 21:45:22 - [CLT] - * Sending shutdown

2012/05/13 21:45:22 - [CLT] - * Termination

2012/05/13 21:45:22 - [CLT] - Game closed!

2012/05/13 21:45:24 - [CLT] - * Sending shutdown

2012/05/13 21:45:24 - [CLT] - * Termination

2012/05/13 21:45:24 - [CLT] - * Cleaning

2012/05/13 21:45:24 - [CLT] - * Stoping service

2012/05/13 21:45:24 - [CLT] - * Service stopped

2012/05/13 21:45:24 - [CLT] - * Service deleted

2012/05/13 21:45:26 - [CLT] - * Cleaning

2012/05/13 21:45:26 - [CLT] - GetLastError(1060)(O serviço especificado não existe como serviço instalado.



2012/05/13 21:45:26 - [CLT] - Open service error

2012/05/13 21:45:27 - [CLT] - * Cleaning

2012/05/13 21:45:27 - [CLT] - GetLastError(1060)(O serviço especificado não existe como serviço instalado.



2012/05/13 21:45:27 - [CLT] - Open service error

2012/05/13 21:45:27 - [CLT] - * Cleaning

2012/05/13 21:45:27 - [CLT] - GetLastError(1060)(O serviço especificado não existe como serviço instalado.



2012/05/13 21:45:27 - [CLT] - Open service error

2012/05/13 21:45:28 - [CLT] - * Cleaning

2012/05/13 21:45:28 - [CLT] - GetLastError(1060)(O serviço especificado não existe como serviço instalado.



2012/05/13 21:45:28 - [CLT] - Open service error



alguem pode me ajuda, to morrendo de vontade de joga nesse serv mais ta dificil

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