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ca global (combat arms global) Novo E Mais Simples Método De Jogar CANA Via PD_Proxy 08/05/12


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Muito bom o tópico,como sempre vários conteúdos do tipo mas este está elaborado e conteúdo a mais.Parabéns amigo.

Só o vídeo que não entendi muito mas obrigado.









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Nao , vo tentar criar outra conta

Vou ver se da certo


Ahh , ja avaliei 5 estrelas ok =D


Se nao funfar tenta reiniciar o modem. Vou tentar achar um jeito de logar usando o vpn somente para logar e depois deslogar e continuar no CA

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Initializing Engine...

PD-Proxy VPN, Inc <[email protected]>

Tunnel Engine v2.1.7b Build Date 03/26/2012

Connecting to ICMP Server...

Sending ICMP Requests...


Authentication server is not responding.

Please try again later.

Tunnel sucesfully terminated!


Click the connect button to start again..



pode me ajudar ??

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Initializing Engine...

PD-Proxy VPN, Inc <[email protected]>

Tunnel Engine v2.1.7b Build Date 03/26/2012

Connecting to ICMP Server...

Sending ICMP Requests...


Authentication server is not responding.

Please try again later.

Tunnel sucesfully terminated!


Click the connect button to start again..



pode me ajudar ??


Ja coloquei ali no post a causa desse erro

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  • 2 semanas atrás...

Eu quando tento me conectar recebo este erro: Initializing Engine...

PD-Proxy VPN, Inc <[email protected]>

Tunnel Engine v2.1.9 Build Date 04/19/2012

Checking internet connection...

Connecting to ICMP Server...

Sending ICMP Requests...


You are using a trial account!

You only have limited access!

Sending ping requests to server.....

Error reading registry key SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0014\NetCfgInstanceId on TAP device

No TUN/TAP adapters found.

Tunnel sucesfully terminated!


Click the connect button to start again...


Oq eu faço??

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Eu quando tento me conectar recebo este erro: Initializing Engine...

PD-Proxy VPN, Inc <[email protected]>

Tunnel Engine v2.1.9 Build Date 04/19/2012

Checking internet connection...

Connecting to ICMP Server...

Sending ICMP Requests...


You are using a trial account!

You only have limited access!

Sending ping requests to server.....

Error reading registry key SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0014\NetCfgInstanceId on TAP device

No TUN/TAP adapters found.

Tunnel sucesfully terminated!


Click the connect button to start again...


Oq eu faço??


é q seu tempo limite ja e xpirou.

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