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Magnetic PangYa USA Trainer 1.0


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Magnetic PangYa USA Trainer 1.0




001. Rank Hack - Change your Level.

002. Pang + Points - Take photos of your 999,999 Pang and Points.

003. Status - Power - Change your shot Power.

004. Status - Control - Change your shot Control.

005. Status - Accuracy - Change your shot Accuracy.

006. Status - Curve - Change your shot Curve.

007. Status - Spin - Change your shot Spin.

008. Repeat Hole 2 - Repeat Hole 2. When deactivated, Always HIO.

009. Club - Allows change your club in putting.

010. Bonus Pang x2 - Receive x2 bonus in Pangs.

011. Anti Out of Bounds - Never receive Out of Bounds.

012. Always Out of Bounds - Always receive Out of Bounds.

013. Wind - Turn Wind OFF/ON.

014. Power Shot - Turns Power Shot OFF/ON.

015. Shot movement - No movement: Shot stops when you check the box. Moving: Shot always moving.

016. Special Shot - Always Tomahawk or Always Cobra.

017. Rainbow Aztec - Allow Rainbow Aztec.

018. Speed Hack - Changes game speed and time speed.

019. Instant Shot - When PAUSE BREAK key is pressed, the videos are skipped.

020. Functions Button - Forgot cheat function? Click on this button.




















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