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Multi Client RFOnline


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  • 1 mês depois...

bom cara se tu manjar um pouco de ingles ta ai...ele funfa de boa:


step 1: create another windows account, make it a password protected account..

then right click RF.exe, choose RUN AS.. then look for the new account, enter its password..


step 2: Load hidetoolz 2.2, for those having conflict, turn off your anti virus..


step 3: log in in RF.exe.. after you click a world server, be ready to hide the RF Online.bin in your hidetoolz, you only have 1 to 2 sec. chance to hide your rf_online.bin before the hackshield loads..


when the avi movie starts and you failed to hide the rf_online bin.., you have to repeat step 1 skipping step 2.


after you hide rf_online.bin, open the 2nd client just by clicking rf.exe, log in and play the game with two clients.

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