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badboy^^ 0
na minha tela ta falando isoo e nao da para jogar quen pode ajuda
Tá assim até agora.. "Falha na conexao com o servidor de login." e agora ta asimm na tela do jogo
Unable to create runtime path '/var/www/html/Launchers/GrandChase/protected/runtime/application.xml-3.1.4'. Make sure the parent directory exists and is writable by the Web process.
Source File
/var/www/html/framework_3-1-4/TApplication.php (348)
0338: // determine runtime path
0339: $runtimePath=$basePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::RUNTIME_PATH;
0340: if(is_writable($runtimePath))
0341: {
0342: if($configFile!==null)
0343: {
0344: $runtimePath.=DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($configFile).'-'.Prado::getVersion();
0345: if(!is_dir($runtimePath))
0346: {
0347: if(@mkdir($runtimePath)===false)
0348: throw new TConfigurationException('application_runtimepath_failed',$runtimePath);
0349: @chmod($runtimePath, PRADO_CHMOD); //make it deletable
0350: }
0351: $this->setConfigurationFile($configFile);
0352: }
0353: $this->setBasePath($basePath);
0354: $this->setRuntimePath($runtimePath);
0355: }
0356: else
0357: throw new TConfigurationException('application_runtimepath_invalid',$runtimePath);
0359: }
Stack Trace
#0 /var/www/html/framework_3-1-4/TApplication.php(300): TApplication->resolvePaths('protected')
#1 /var/www/html/Launchers/GrandChase/index.php(19): TApplication->__construct()
#2 {main}
2011-12-20 21:04 Apache PRADO/3.1.4
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