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New Crossfire hack

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here is the hack

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Functions[/b] Extrasensory Perception

ESP Name [Values: Off, On] Shows player name over char.

ESP Box [Values: Off, On] Draw a 2D box around the player.

Direct3D Hacks

Full Bright [Values: Off, On] Full bright, ghosts will be visible.

Wallhack [Values: Off, On] Show other players even if they are behind a wall or something like this.

Basic Memory Hacks

No Fall Damage [Values: Off, On] No fall damage.

No Glitch Damage [Values: On] You get no damage when you are in boxes or under the map(any damagezone). This option is always turned on.

Fast Defuse [Values: Off, Speed, Max] Defuse the bomb faster or instant.

Show Ghosts [Values: Off, On] Makes the ghosts visible.

Beta Hacks

Shoot Through Wall [Values: Off, On] All weapons shoot through everything.

Speed Hack [Values: Off, On, Stealth] Activate or deactivate the speed hack.

Speed Hack Value [Values: 110%, 120%, 125%, 150%, 200%] This option controls the speed of the speed hack.

Weapon Hacks

No Weapon Weight [Values: Off, On] Remove the weapon weight, so you can run as fast as you run with a knife.

No Scope Overlay [Values: Off, On] Removes the extended cross hairs and the black outline of sniper scopes.

Fast Reload [Values: Off, On] Reload in less then a second.

Fast Weapon Change [Values: Off, On] Change weapon without delay.

Supreme Range [Values: Off, On] All weapons have maximum range.

Reduce Grenade Damage [Values: Off, 75%, 50%, 25%, Full] Reduce the damage of enemy grenades or disabled it completely.

Weapon Damage Hack [Values: Off, 110%, 120%, 125%, 150%, 200%, One Hit] Increase the weapon damage. It's often leads to client errors.

Shotgun Spread [Values: Off, 3x, 5x] Normal guns have the same "shooting stlye" as a shoot gun.

Full Wallbang Damage [Values: Off, On] All weapons have full damage if you shooting though boxes(for example).


Load Menu Settings[Key: F10] Load the settings.

Save Menu Settings[Key: F11] Save the current settings.


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