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|C|omandos |D|e |G|m....


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expup "Number" ;Expup is used to gain exp ingame but causes error due to gaining exp to rapidly.

/field "1-31" ;Field command is used to teleport between maps at anytime. A list of all map numbers is below.

~/get_event_level ;Get Event Level command's purpose is not yet known.

~/get_guid ;Get Guid command returns clan information for the server.

~/dm_info ;DM Info command's purpose is not yet known.

~/get_money ;Get Money Command returns a message with total gold on server in players accounts.

~/show ;Makes admin character visable after using the Hide command.

~/hide ;Makes admin character invisable.

~/free_blackuser "Accname" ;Unblocks specifyed account from ban.

~/reset_blackuser ;Clears all blocked users in server.

~/show_blackuser ;Returns a list of all blocked accounts on server.

~/set_castle_tax "0-10" ;Set Blesscastle Tax.

~/reset_fountain_time ;Resets Mana fountain in bless castle.

~/get_fountain_info ;Returns message with information about amount of mana taken from the mana fountain.

~/get_castle_info ;Returns message with bless castle information.

~/set_castle_master "GuildName" ;Sets Blesscastle leaders.

~/set_castle_time "Number" ;Set duration of Bless Castle siege.

~/easy_castle ;Easy Castle command begins bless castle event but with no castle NPC's.

~/end_castle ;End Bless Castle siege.

~/start_castle ;Begin Bless Castle siege.

~/area_monster ;Area_monster command's purpose still unknown.

~/event_monster ;Begins a monster event on the chosen map.

~/mymonster "monster" ;Spawns a neutral monster.

~/monster "Monster""number" ;Spawns number of monsters chosen.

~/arena_monster ;Arena monster command's purpose is unknown.

~/area_users ;Displays users connected to current area server.

~/player_sight "Number" ;Changes client - monster spawn seeing sight.

~/set_absorb "Number" ;Sets players absorb to the given number.

~/talk "Npc/Monster/player name" ;Makes chosen PC speak your message. ;

~/user ;Unknown.

~/where "Username" ;Possibly takes GM to chosen player.

~/call "Username" ;Teleporta o jogador que vc colocou no user name até o seu local

~/near ;Unknown Command.

~/username ;Unknown Command.

~/userid ;Unknown Command.

~/insert ;Unknown Command.

~/shutdown ;Begins 9 minute shutdown of server.

~/open_warehouse ;Displays your warehouse at your location.

~/kill "Username" ;mata o jogador

~/kick "Username" ;Kika o jogador

~/netlog ;Unknown Command.

~/get_potion ;Displays amount of potions in server.

~/comic_player "Username" ;Gives chosen player BigHead mode.

~/@put "Item Name Or Code" ;Puts chosen item in your inventory.

~/@get "Item Name Or Code" ;Drops chosen item at your feet.

~/get_currency ;Unknown Command

~/get_forceorb ;Possibly displays amount of force orb's in server.

~/get_bosstime ;Displays time before next boss spawns.

~/localtime ;Displays clients local time.

~/sod_enter ;Teleports you into SoD arena.

~/sod_view ;Shows SoD Status.

~/time ;Unknown Command.

/LeeShotKeyReset ;Resets skill shortcuts.

/LeeForce ;Does'nt seem to do anything.

/LeeResetRankUp ;Resets your char back to Tier 1.

/LeeHelpMeStat ;Resets your stats.

/LeeHelpMeSkill ;Resets your skills.

/LeeWhereIs "Username" ;Maybe shows location of chosen user.

/LeeResetQuest ;Resets Quests.

/Lee3thRankUp ;Clears 3rd Rankup Quest.

/Lee4thRankUp ;Clears 4th Rankup Quest.


/PassRankUp ;Ranks Your Character up.


/field 35 ice 2








WA101 - WA120 : Stone Axe - Dragon Axe

WC101 - WC120 : Eagle Claw - Dragon Talon

WH101 - WH121 : Hammer - eXtreme Hammer

WM101 - WM121 : Wand - Astral Staff

WP101 - WP121 : Pole - Phoenix Spear

WS101 - WS122 : Short Bow - Dragon Bow

WS201 - WS223 : Dagger - Dragon Sword

WT101 - WT121 : Javelin - Legend Javelin



DA102 - DA122 : BattleSuit - Dragon Armor

DA202 - DA222 : Robe - Angel Robe

DB101 - DB120 : Leather Boots - Dragon Boots

DG101 - DG120 : Leather Gauntlets - Dragon Gauntlets

DS101 - DS120 : Wood Shield - Dragon Shield

OA201 - OA220 : Leather Armlets - Dragon Bracelets

OM101 - OM121 : Pearl Beads - Clairvoyance

Shop Items


EC101 - EC105 : Ether Core - Union Core

FO101 - FO109 : Lucidy Force - Celesto Force

OS101 - OS112 : Lucidy - Inferna

PL101 - PL104 : Small Life Potion - Mystic Life Potion

PM101 - PM105 : Small Mana Potion - Mystic Mana Potion

PS101 - PS105 : Small Stamina Potion - Mystic Stamina Potion



GF101 - GF104 : Quest Items?

GP101 - GP113 : Hopy Crystal - Web Crystal (GP109 : Mystic Crystal)

MA101 - MA103 : Mystic Bottle, Honey, Mystic Oil (Rank Up Quest)

OA101 - OA124 : Round Amulet - Mystic Amulet +3

OR101 - OR124 : Round Ring - Mystic Ring +3

PS201 - PS202 : Small Songpyun - Large Songpyun

QW101 - QW105 : Metal Wing - Chaos Wing

SD201 - SD206 : Quake Seal - Guardian Saint Seal

SE101 - SE103 : Gera - Gyfu

SD207 : +5000 PT UP

OR201 : G-Zone Ring

OR205 : Valento Ring




List of areas:

0 - Acasia Forest

1 - Bamboo Forest

2 - Garden of Freedom

3 - Ricarten Town

4 - Refuge of the Ancients

5 - Castle of the Lost

6 - Ruinen Village

7 - Cursed Land

8 - Forgotten Land

9 - Navisko Town

10 - O a s i s

11 - Battlefield of the Ancients

12 - Forbidden Land

13 - Ancient Prison 1F

14 - Ancient Prison 2F

15 - Ancient Prison 3F

16 - Checker Room (PCRoom)

17 - Forest of Spirits

18 - Land of Dusk

19 - Valley of Tranquillity

20 - Road to the Wind

21 - Pillai Town

22 - Cursed Temple 1F

23 - Cursed Temple 2F

24 - Cave of Mushrooms

25 - Cave of Beehive

26 - Sanctuary of Darkness

27 - Railway of Chaos

28 - Heart of Perum

29 - Eura

30 - S O D Heaven Stage

31 - Gallubia Valley

32 - Tier 4 Rank Up Arena

33 - Bless Castle

34 - Greedy Lake

35 ice 2

38 firemap

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e brunevil

sabe oq eu tava pensando

tipo o negocio dos itens

pode ser por causa do hello


tipo, hello1 eh adm pra um tipo de coisa

hello2 outra coisa

e hello3 outra


eu vou tentar no test do pt+,

mais por enquanto ainda nao tah entrando

tah dando dc


mas logo que voltar eu tentarei




outra coisa que tambem queria saber

eh o comando pra fazer item fake



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man, encina direitim ae, tipo, c mando os comandos mais n mando o geito de uzar, coloca como video ou lgo paressido pra jete ter uma deia de como uzar, vlw, qualque problema do Brasil sobre quais sao os comandos pode me add, passo os melhores, mais tenta colocr como video ae, e eu to pensando em tipo, vcs adm gm e gz desse site poderi fazer um server de pt, seria muito loko todu munu uza cheat, todu muu na mesma altura, sem ban sem bug, podia faze um tipo *vo cita o nome aki, espero q eu nao seja ban q nem o pedropaulo foi* XtremePK, que o server é soh de pvp, todu munu é lvl 120, itens 105 e 110no npc de graça* tdu no npc de graça*

Axo que seria bem legal...:):):):)

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