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Mpgh vip hack cracked

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OI GALERA eu encontrei um hack vip cracked da mpgh num site ke faz hacks cracked e decidi postar aqui


1ºbaixe e extraia com winrar

2°executeo (se for win7 ou vista como adnimistrador)



win 7: Funfando

Vista: Funfando

XP: Funfando




No fall damage - No damage is acquired if falling from high ground

No damage zone - No damage is acquired when inside a box / wall or other area where you would normally get damage


Aimbot - Automatically aims at enemies

Visibility Check - If turned on the aimbot only aims at enemies that can be seen

AimMethod - Tells which enemies the aimbot should aim at first: closer to you or closer to the crosshair

AimKey - The key you press to activate the aimbot (you must hold down the key); can be set to automatic

AimBone - The part of the enemies' body the aimbot aims at

Name ESP - Displays enemy/team/both players' names above players

Distance ESP - Displays enemy/team/both players' distance from you below players

Health Bar ESP - Displays enemy/team/both players' HP bar above the players

2D Box ESP - Displays a rectangle around enemy/team/both players

3D Box ESP - Displays a 3D box around enemy/team/both players

Sphere ESP - Displays a sphere (ball) around enemy/team/both players

Bone ESP - Displays lines representing enemy/team/both players' "bones"

Line ESP - Displays lines from a point on your screen to enemy/team/both players

Shot Gun Spread - Makes weapons have shotgun shots (multiple shots and spread)

No Wep Weight - Weapons don't have extra weight

Fast Wep Change - Weapons are changed without delay

No Flash - Removes flash effect

Instant Reload - No delay when reloading

No Scope Overlay - Removes the scope overlay

Gun Damage - Drag the slider to select how much damage weapons should do [temporarily removed]

Fire Mode - Select your firing mode

Weapons Range - Drag the slider to adjust your weapons' range

No Nade Damage - Grenades don't do damage

Knife 1 hit - Knife kills in one hit

NoSpread / NoRecoil - Removes spread and recoil

Weapon hacks - Your weapon changes to the specified weapons

Main - If this is selected you will use the chosen weapon instead of a m16 (others will still see you using a m16)

Sniper - If this is selected you will use the chosen weapon instead of a m700 (others will see you using a m700)

Secondary - If this is selected you will use the chosen weapon instead of a m9 (others will see you using a m9)





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É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

PS:desabilite seu anti-virus porque e uma versao crackeada(versoes crackeadas teem sempre virus)mas e virus para fazer o hack funfar

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É necessário se cadastrar para acessar o conteúdo.

esse scan nao é falso e voce pode ve na descriçao do video( versoes crackeadas teem sempre virus)entao preste atençao antes de posta

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Pessoal nao baixem tem trojan-Keylogger quem baixar e abrir jaera pra sua conta e o scan e falso ta escrito Crossfire MPGH vip hackear rachada (2). Exe


e no danwload esta Crossfire MPGH vip hackear cracked.exe entao recomendo nao baixarem

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Amigo Seu Tópico Está Com Scan Falso.

Na Hora De Criar Um Tópico,Re-veja As Regras.Da Area.

Cuidado Coloque O Scan Correto,Tópico Mal Explicado,Não Funcional Não Recomendo

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