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Encontrado 2 registros

  1. Furyy21

    Estou de volta!

    Meu nome é Fury e, depois de muito tempo, voltei mais forte que antes. Em breve, disponibilizarei para vocês o meu painel grátis 'Fury Painel' xit de Free Fire para emuladores, totalmente gratuito.
  2. [Hidden Content] 62 6F 6E 65 5F 4E 65 63 6B 62 6F 6E 65 5F 53 70 69 6E 62 6F 6E 65 5F 4E 65 63 73 85 E5 00 62 6F 6E 65 5F 48 69 70 73 62 6F 6E 65 5F 4C 62 6F 6E 65 5F 4E 65 63 6B 1A 70 00 9F E5 00 00 0a 5f [Hidden Content] 0x000000: 00 00 b0 40 00 00 80 3f 00 00 40 3f 00 00 80 [Hidden Content] 0x000000: 23 c7 0a 5f 23 c7 0a 5f 00 00 40 3f 00 00 80 [Hidden Content] 0x000000: 00 00 20 42 00 00 40 40 00 00 70 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 3f 0a d7 a3 3b 0a d7 a3 3b 8f c2 75 ae 47 e1 3d 9a 99 19 3e cd cc 4c 3e a4 70 fd [Hidden Content] 0x000000: 00 00 20 42 00 00 ff ff 00 00 70 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 c0 3f 0a d7 a3 3b 0a d7 a3 3b 8f c2 75 ae 47 e1 3d 9a 99 19 3e cd cc 4c 3e a4 70 fd 3e [Hidden Content] cd cc 4c 3e a4 70 fd 3e ae 47 01 3f a4 70 fd 3e ae 47 01 3f ae 47 e1 3e 29 5c 0f 3f 14 ae c7 3e f6 28 1c 3f cd cc 4c be cd cc 4c 3e 9a 99 99 be 9a 99 99 3e [Hidden Content] 40 e0 b1 ff ff e0 b1 ff ff e0 b1 ff ff e0 b1 ff ff e0 b1 ff ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 41 00 00 48 42 00 00 00 3f 33 33 13 40 00 00 b0 3f 00 00 80 3f 01 00 00 [Hidden Content] namespace AotForms { internal static class Offsets { internal static uint Il2Cpp; internal static uint InitBase = 0x78C3198; internal static uint StaticClass = 0x5C; internal static uint CurrentMatch = 0x4c; internal static uint MatchStatus = 0x8; internal static uint LocalPlayer = 0x10; internal static uint DictionaryEntities = 0x60; internal static uint Player_IsDead = 0x48; internal static uint Player_Name = 0x1Bc; internal static uint Player_Data = 0x40; internal static uint Player_ShadowBase = 0xdd0; internal static uint XPose = 0x6c; internal static uint AvatarManager = 0x360; internal static uint Avatar = 0x8c; internal static uint Avatar_IsVisible = 0x7c; internal static uint Avatar_Data = 0x10; internal static uint Avatar_Data_IsTeam = 0x2f; internal static uint FollowCamera = 0x2F4; internal static uint Camera = 0x14; internal static uint AimRotation = 0x2B4; internal static uint MainCameraTransform = 0x128; internal static uint Weapon = 0x298; internal static uint WeaponData = 0x44; internal static uint WeaponRecoil = 0xc; internal static uint ViewMatrix = 0x98 + 0x24; } internal enum Bones : uint { Head = 0x2FC, Root = 0x310, } } [Hidden Content]
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