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  1. Discord: oito228 Epvp: [Hidden Content] hackvshack verificado: [Hidden Content] Showcase: LEGIT + SEMIRAGE = 100€ LEGIT + RAGE = 150€ Frequently (Q/A) O Preço vem com atualização vitalícia ! -A fonte em si é totalmente indetectável em relação aos recursos de movimento e qualquer coisa relacionada à manipulação do jogo ou Buffers enviados pelo client para o serivdor conhecido como hooks de "AntiTramper", no entanto, um injetor decente deve ser usado (forneço links para bons injetores) Compatibility Operating Systems: Windows 10/11 (todas) IDE: Visual Studio (2017, 2019, 2022, Preview) Framework: ImGui (Leaked PastOwl menu) Graphics Engine: DirectX 11 + Blur Complete CS2 internal source in snake_case style. It supports both LoadLibrary and ManualMap Proper spoofing method invoker, NTAPI syscalls threads, minhook libary Features Ragebot Silent Aim: Includes lag compensation and limitation fixes. Multipoint and Hitbox System: Advanced Hitscan with lethal and specific conditions. Hitchance, NoSpread Minimum Damage Autostop ( predicted ) Autoscope, EnginePred LagComp + PSILENT fix . Extrapolation Legitbot Silent Aim: Active if angle stays within the degree limit. Disable conditions Hitbox and Hitscan System: Targets the closest hitbox to the crosshair. Triggerbot: Configurable Hitchance, Minimum Damage, Autostop, and Smooth. Smooth RCS System ( x , y ) Crosshair friendly & smooth Anti-Aim Adjustable Pitch: Down, Up, Zero Adjustable Yaw: Backwards, Left, Right Visuals Player ESP Grenade ESP Molotov: Range, ESP, Trajectory Basic World/Sky Modulation Features Bullet beams Game particle system Miscellaneous Movement Enhancements: Bhop ( scroll ) Autostrafe Edgebug Fast Ladder EdgeJump Avoid Fall Damage FOV Changer: Force scope Viewmodel Changer: XYZ adjustments and force viewmodel on scope Third-Person View Skin Changer Full Support: Gloves, Knives (including all animations), and Weapons
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