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  1. I don't seem to be able to remove the lindy 370 level limit in game. Please tell me how to solve it.
  2. Thanks to you, it helped me solve the problem. It was a useful time and I gained more knowledge while studying. Thank you for your time.
  3. Thank you, senior. I don't know if I'm asking too many questions and causing harm to people who are trying to get the information they need from comments. Can I ask one more question? My senior said, "The regional settings of the operating system or compiler may affect character interpretation. Make sure the regional settings (locale) are consistent between environments." From the information I got, in UTF-8 'Í' is represented by two bytes: 0xC3 0x8D. However, in ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1), 'Í' is represented as the single byte 0xCD. Then, if I want to use the code in a UTF-8 encoding environment, can I change it as follows? if (len > 8 && tmp1[0] != '\xCD') fprintf(fp, "\t%s\t%s\n", tmp1, tmp2); else if (tmp1[0] != '\xCD') fprintf(fp, "\t%s\t\t%s\n", tmp1, tmp2);
  4. I am studying by compiling the source code linked by senior Micael Silverio. Senior, do you know a solution to the question below? I have a question. if (len > 8 && tmp1[0] != 'Í') fprintf(fp, “\t%s\t%s\n”, &tmp1, &tmp2); else if(tmp1[0] != 'Í') fprintf(fp, “\t%s\t\t%s\n”, &tmp1, &tmp2); Is 'Í' used as it is? Or is 'i' broken by the language change?
  5. thank you I solved it when compiling. But I have a question. 'Í' if (len > 8 && tmp1[0] != 'Í') fprintf(fp, "\t%s\t%s\n", &tmp1, &tmp2); else if(tmp1[0] != 'Í') fprintf(fp, "\t%s\t\t%s\n", &tmp1, &tmp2); Is 'Í' used as is? Or did it get broken when the language changed?
  6. Novo Emulador 759 Clean\Source Clean\emulador << Can I get this file too? Visual Studio 2022 version in a widows environment The source cannot be edited because there are many errors. Are there any clean files without errors?
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