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victorcostahk obteve troféu Platina
vHK - Macro para servidores de WYD
victorcostahk respondeu ao tópico de victorcostahk em WYD - MarketPlace
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victorcostahk começou a seguir Reader .msh e .bon blender , Send Buffer , Compro modelos STL do WYD e 3 outros
adicione um sistema de strike, após um numero x de erros(tamanho, checksum invalido ou qual quer outro tipo de erro na comunicação ou nas informações) bloqueia o ip por T tempo, você deve estar recebendo um ataque
amigo é mt facil extrair essas modelos, inclusive tenho um codigo para extrair modelos, bones, animações para unity, poderia explicar qual a finalidade do stl?
Olá! Quem conhece sabe: o produto fala por si, sempre inovando, trazendo funcionalidades novas e sendo constantemente atualizado. *Macro Lan *Filtro de drop com add *Auto agrupar *Auto utilizar *Procurar add com replation *Auto click em npc **Visual Script por nodes ( crie qual quer tipo de macro através de nodes, o céu é o limite ) * Diversas outras funcionabilidades *** Macro Agua para Cons ( auto grupo, notificação por sms ) *** Macro Pesa para Cons (auto grupo, notificação por sms) * Suporte a scripts em lua ( obsoleto, visual script é seu sucessor ) ** Em beta *** serviço extra, preço a parte Em breve vou documentar os nodes e criar os tutorais. Screenshots: Visual Script:
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victorcostahk obteve troféu Feliz Natal 2024
global é foda
victorcostahk obteve troféu Ouro
tem toda uma burocracia para salvar em .msh, eu acho que tenho um script pronto, vou procura-lo, se encontrar posto ai
victorcostahk obteve troféu Prata
victorcostahk obteve troféu WebCheats#2023
victorcostahk obteve troféu Feliz Páscoa 2023
victorcostahk obteve troféu Bronze
Salve pessoal, adaptei esse script para ler os arquivos .msh e .bon do WYD no blender 2.8 +, carregando a malha e os ossos, créditos a um amigo que me ajudou no entendimento da base desse conteúdo, não sei o nick dele na WC para usar é muito simples, basta definir o caminho do arquivo .msh e do arquivo .bon correspondente, e também o caminho da textura em jpg ou png. import bpy import os import struct import logging import mathutils from typing import NamedTuple FilePath = "C:\\......\\be010101.msh" FileName = "be010101" FilePathBon = "C:\\.......\\be01.bon" IMAGEPATH = 'C:\\.........\\be010101.png' print("----------------- Start Script -----------------") class BoneNode: def __init__(self, Owner, Children, Matrix): self.Owner = Owner self.Children = Children self.Matrix = Matrix class BoneData: def __init__(self, dwName, Matrix): self.dwName = dwName self.Matrix = Matrix class BoneWeight: def __init__(self, b0Weight, b0Index, b1Weight, b1Index, b2Weight, b2Index, b3Weight, b3Index): self.b0Weight = b0Weight self.b0Index = b0Index self.b1Weight = b1Weight self.b1Index = b1Index self.b2Weight = b2Weight self.b2Index = b2Index self.b3Weight = b3Weight self.b3Index = b3Index print ("---------------------Load Bon---------------------") bNodes = [] TreeNodes = [] with open(FilePathBon, "rb") as binFileBone: binFileBone.seek(0,os.SEEK_END) binFileBoneSize = binFileBone.tell() binFileBone.seek(0,os.SEEK_SET) BytesRead = 0 while(BytesRead < binFileBoneSize): Own = struct.unpack('i', binFileBone.read(4))[0] Chd = struct.unpack('i', binFileBone.read(4))[0] bNodes.append(BoneNode(Own,Chd, None)) BytesRead += 8 print("---------------------Load Mesh-------------------") with open(FilePath, "rb") as file: # b is important -> binary _dwParentID = struct.unpack('i', file.read(4))[0] _dwID = struct.unpack('i', file.read(4))[0] _dwFVF = struct.unpack('i', file.read(4))[0] _sizeVertex = struct.unpack('i', file.read(4))[0] _numFaceInflunce = struct.unpack('i', file.read(4))[0] _numPalette = struct.unpack('i', file.read(4))[0] _VertexCount = struct.unpack('i', file.read(4))[0] _FaceCount = struct.unpack('i', file.read(4))[0] _numFaces = int(_FaceCount / 3) print("dwParent: ",_dwParentID) print("_dwID: ",_dwID) print("_dwFVF: ",_dwFVF) print("_sizeVertex: ",_sizeVertex) print("_numFaceInflunce: ",_numFaceInflunce) print("_numPalette: ",_numPalette) print("_VertexCount: ",_VertexCount) print("_FaceCount: ", _FaceCount) print("_numFaces: ",_numFaces) lVertxPos = [] lNormalPos = [] lUvPos = [] lIndices = [] lBonesPos = [] ldwName = [] lBoneWeight = [] for i in range(0,_numPalette): bMatrix = mathutils.Matrix().to_4x4() bMatrix[0][0] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[1][0] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[2][0] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[3][0] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[0][1] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[1][1] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[2][1] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[3][1] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[0][2] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[1][2] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[2][2] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[3][2] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[0][3] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[1][3] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[2][3] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix[3][3] = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bMatrix.invert() '''print("Invert2:") print(bMatrix) print(loc, rot, sca)''' loc, rot, sca = bMatrix.decompose() '''loc.z = loc.z * - 1''' bMatrix = mathutils.Matrix().LocRotScale(loc, rot, sca) lBonesPos.append(BoneData(0, bMatrix)) for i in range(0,_numPalette): dwName = struct.unpack('i', file.read(4))[0] lBonesPos[i].dwName = dwName print("dwName: ",dwName) ldwName.append(dwName) for i in range(0,_VertexCount): vX = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] vY = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] vZ = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] Vertex = (vX, vY, vZ) if _numFaceInflunce == 4: bweight0 = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bweight1 = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bweight2 = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bboneIndex0 = struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] bboneIndex1 = struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] bboneIndex2 = struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] bw = BoneWeight(bweight0,bboneIndex0,bweight1,bboneIndex1,bweight2,bboneIndex2, 0, 0) lBoneWeight.append(bw) elif _numFaceInflunce == 3: bweight0 = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bweight1 = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bboneIndex0 = struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] bboneIndex1 = struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] u1 = struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] u2 = struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] bw = BoneWeight(bweight0,bboneIndex0,bweight1,bboneIndex1,0, 0, 0, 0) lBoneWeight.append(bw) elif _numFaceInflunce == 2: bweight0 = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] bboneIndex0 = struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] struct.unpack('b', file.read(1))[0] bw = BoneWeight(bweight0,bboneIndex0,0,0,0, 0, 0, 0) lBoneWeight.append(bw) else: print("este arquivo possuie faceinfluence: ", _numFaceInflunce) nX = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] nY = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] nZ = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] Normal = (nX, nY, nZ) uX = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] uY = struct.unpack('f', file.read(4))[0] uV = (uX,uY * -1) lVertxPos.append(Vertex) lNormalPos.append(Normal) lUvPos.append(uV) for i in range(0, _numFaces): f1 = struct.unpack('H', file.read(2))[0] f2 = struct.unpack('H', file.read(2))[0] f3 = struct.unpack('H', file.read(2))[0] triangulos = (f1, f2, f3) lIndices.append(triangulos) edge = [] new_mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new('mesh') new_mesh.from_pydata(lVertxPos, edge, lIndices) new_mesh.update() obj_mesh = bpy.data.objects.new(FileName, new_mesh) obj_mesh.data.normals_split_custom_set_from_vertices(lNormalPos) obj_mesh.modifiers.new(name = 'Skeleton', type = 'ARMATURE') '''Set UV''' uvlayer = obj_mesh.data.uv_layers.new() obj_mesh.data.uv_layers.active = uvlayer pos = 0 for face in obj_mesh.data.polygons: for vert_idx, loop_idx in zip(face.vertices, face.loop_indices): uvlayer.data[loop_idx].uv = lUvPos[vert_idx] pos += 1 '''mat = bpy.data.materials['Material'] tex = bpy.data.textures.new("SomeName", 'IMAGE') slot = mat.texture_slots.add() slot.texture = tex''' amt = bpy.data.armatures.new('root') Container = bpy.data.objects.new('Armature', amt) obj_mesh.modifiers['Skeleton'].object = Container '''obj_mesh.modifiers['Skeleton'].object = armt''' # make collection new_collection = bpy.data.collections.new('Loaded@'+FileName) bpy.context.scene.collection.children.link(new_collection) new_collection.objects.link(Container) new_collection.objects.link(obj_mesh) obj_mesh.parent = Container bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = Container bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') print("-----------------Create Three Node-------------------") class BoneTreeStruct: def __init__(self, dwname, Fater, Bone,Owner,Children ): self.dwname = dwname self.Fater = Fater self.Bone = Bone self.Owner = Owner self.Children = Children ignoreCount = 0 for b in bNodes: if ignoreCount > 0: ignoreCount -= 1 continue chk = BoneTreeStruct(0,0,None,0,0) ischk = False for tr in TreeNodes: if tr.Owner == b.Children: chk = tr ischk = True break if ischk == False: '''chk.Bone = bpy.data.objects.new(str(b.Children), None)''' chk = BoneTreeStruct(b.Children,0, None,b.Children,0) chk.Bone = amt.edit_bones.new(str(b.Children)) chk.Bone.head = (0,0,0) chk.Bone.tail = (0,0,0.1) TreeNodes.append(chk) print("definindo filhos") for fi in bNodes: if fi.Owner == chk.Owner: nFilho = BoneTreeStruct(fi.Children, chk,0,fi.Children,0) '''nFilho.Bone = bpy.data.objects.new(str(fi.Children), None)''' nFilho.Bone = amt.edit_bones.new(str(fi.Children)) nFilho.Bone.head = (0,0,0) nFilho.Bone.tail = (0,0,0.1) nFilho.Bone.parent = chk.Bone TreeNodes.append(nFilho) for bTree in TreeNodes: print(bTree.Bone.name) for dwInfo in lBonesPos: if(int(dwInfo.dwName) == int(bTree.Bone.name)): print("set matrix bone "+str(dwInfo.dwName)) bTree.Bone.matrix = dwInfo.Matrix bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj_mesh vertexGroup = [] for i in range(0,_numPalette): new_vertex_group = bpy.context.active_object.vertex_groups.new(name=str(lBonesPos[i].dwName)) vertexGroup.append(vertexGroup) for i in range(0,_VertexCount): if _numFaceInflunce == 4: bpy.context.active_object.vertex_groups[lBoneWeight[i].b0Index].add([i], lBoneWeight[i].b0Weight, 'ADD') bpy.context.active_object.vertex_groups[lBoneWeight[i].b1Index].add([i], lBoneWeight[i].b1Weight, 'ADD') bpy.context.active_object.vertex_groups[lBoneWeight[i].b2Index].add([i], lBoneWeight[i].b2Weight, 'ADD') elif _numFaceInflunce == 3: bpy.context.active_object.vertex_groups[lBoneWeight[i].b0Index].add([i], lBoneWeight[i].b0Weight, 'ADD') bpy.context.active_object.vertex_groups[lBoneWeight[i].b1Index].add([i], lBoneWeight[i].b1Weight, 'ADD') elif _numFaceInflunce == 2: bpy.context.active_object.vertex_groups[lBoneWeight[i].b0Index].add([i], lBoneWeight[i].b0Weight, 'ADD') else: print("este arquivo possuie faceinfluence: ", _numFaceInflunce) mat = bpy.data.materials.new(name="New_Mat") mat.use_nodes = True bsdf = mat.node_tree.nodes["Principled BSDF"] texImage = mat.node_tree.nodes.new('ShaderNodeTexImage') texImage.image = bpy.data.images.load(IMAGEPATH) mat.node_tree.links.new(bsdf.inputs['Base Color'], texImage.outputs['Color']) if obj_mesh.data.materials: obj_mesh.data.materials[0] = mat else: obj_mesh.data.materials.append(mat)
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